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3 Dusky Place
Twizel, Canterbury, 7901
New Zealand


First Light - Chatham Island

First Light:Published in 2021 by Jackie Ranken and Mike Langford

63 Page 22cm x 21 cm soft cover book.

NZ$40.00 plus postage.

Excerpt from the book.

First Light is a visual interpretation of Chatham Island by Photographers Jackie Ranken and Mike Langford.

 “First Light”- A Photography Book on Chatham Island

A glimpse of a photograph can bring back the smells, the sounds, a physical feeling of being there.

The bumpy roads, the windy hill sides, the rugged shores…..they all come alive through a photograph, an impression of being there…..

Chatham Island feels exotic but in an isolated kiwi kind of way….”

First Light Landscape Photography Chatham Island