Book Shop
In Creative Landscape Photography I and II,
Mike Langford and Jackie Ranken share 30 years of knowledge
and experience in an easy to use, easy to read format.
These spiral bound field guides were designed to fit conveniently in most camera bags and is rugged enough to take a beating. They're the next best thing to having Mike and Jackie in the field with you!
Creative Travel Photography I is the next level up.
It includes ideas and techniques for landscape, portraiture, street photography, multiple exposures and more.
Creative Travel II features many of their awards winner images.
It is less about the technical and more about the emotional and aesthetic ideas that make their photographs so unique.
These books will inspire you to see travel photography in a very different and more creative way.
Creative Landscape Photography I and II are books that discuss unique landscape photography ideas. Our aim is to help you improve your camera skills and craft so that you can get the most from your camera gear and well as many different landscape photography challenges.
Book I is a little more basic and gives a thorough and easy to read descriptions of the ways we think of ‘making’ landscape photographs, not just a recording of what is in front of us.
Book II includes Multiple Exposures and photographing the night sky and is a natural progression from Book I.
Both offer unique insights into how we think about what we are photographing and offer solutions for your own experience.
As the books suggest, we are offering more creative ways of making landscapes with in-camera techniques. These are not books about processing and or Photoshop.
For more information and/OR a link to buy single or multiple books please click on the image links below.
Or fill in a contact form and contact us by email.
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Multiple Exposure Landscapes by Jackie Ranken NZ$40.00
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Better still send us an order via email and we will sort it out.
“To become a great photographer, find out who you are. find out what you like photographing. Because if you photograph what you like, you do it best, your heart’s in it. The learning never stops. In fact I am reading now more than I ever have read and I am learning more that I have ever learnt. That's what happens when you first start to get knowledge, you start to learn about how much you don’t know.”
Mike Langford.